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Application for The Cloud Membership and Fan Meeting 2009

7th Cloud Overseas Registration and Master Emails (Japan excluded)


Hi, this is the 7th Cloud Administrator.


Here are the oversea master e-mails and the 7th Cloud registration instruction.


After you make a payment for the cloud membership, please send an e-mail to your country master and copy to 7th Cloud administration with your registration information.


Please make sure to send the e-mail after you made and confirmed your payment.


There will be POP-UP window after 2:00pm, July 10th (2:00pm, 7/10), Korean time at the 6to5 site (http://www.6to5.co.kr) and make a payment accordingly using POP-UP window.


Membership Fee

Credit Card: USD$50.00

Bank Transfer: USD$58.00


On the POP-UP window, you choose Rain fan club membership as sales item and purchase it accordingly.  This will complete your Cloud membership payment transaction.


Payment methods are credit card payment and wire transfer.

There are differences in payment between 2 methods due to transaction fees incur.

You can use either method that is convenient to you but since credit card payment is cheaper, we would suggest using credit card transaction.


Previous notice indicated the credit card transaction was only for card holder.  But there would be minors who do not have credit card and we know bank transfer fee are expensive, now we are able to accept the payment for more than 1 person.


Please make sure to indicate person's name(s) you are purchasing the membership(s) for.  Also indicate at the e-mail address who you paid for or who paid for you.


Bank Transfer Account Information

Beneficiary : J.TUNE CREATIVE Co., Ltd. 
Bank : Citibank Korea Inc.
Bank address : 39-10 Da-dong Jung-gu Seoul Korea
Account No. : 883-00155-244-01
Swift Code : CITIKRSX


Please make a wire transfer using your name.

(For some reason you have to use other person's name or use other name by mistake, make sure to include information in you registration e-mail.)


**** The reason we are emphasizing for you to use your own name when you make the payment is due to verification purposes.  As you know the time til fan meeting is short and we wouldn't want anyone to have disadvantage due to verification issue.


For more detailed information, please refer to the previous notice.





Coutry/Cloud ID/Cloud Registration

(For USA, County/State/Cloud ID/Cloud Registration)




Cloud ID

Country & State (if applicable)

Mailing address (the one you want to receive your Cloud items)

E-mail address

Payment Method/Payment date

Payer Name

Indicate Fan meeting attendance.


Your companion's name/Cloud ID (If you are attending fan meeting and have a person accompany with you.  1 companion is allowed and has to be 7th Cloud member.)


Please provide the information if you are paying for other person(s) or if someone paid for you.

The person who are paying for others - provide other's name(s) and payment date

The person who other paid for you - provide their person's name and date who paid for you.


It is crucial you put bank transfer payer's name if you are using bank transfer payment method.


E-mail addresses you need to send your registration information are as followed:










































Japan - Please refer to the previous notice for Japanese fans.


Other (All other countries that are not listed above)


(You only need to send to one e-mail address.)


We are sorry for the inconvenience it caused and thank you for your patience.


Thank you.



* FanMeeting information

There are two registration period to register for FanClub

Two registration period has been set due to the confirmation of fan meeting and seating plan.

Registration is still available after FanMeeting, however, for the convenience of preparing FanMeeting, please kindly register in your earliest convenience. Thanks for your attention.

This is a matter if you will register on the period 1 or period 2. Please share this important notice to your own region local fan site.

It might still permit to attend Fan Meeting even although you will register later. However, the condition of companion is not valid.

*On -site registration of FanClub still under discussion.

However, no guaranteed for good seat for on-site registration; also you cannot attend fan meeting if it is full house.

Details about the seating plan will be announced after the list of applicant is done.

In prior year FanMeeting, 3 sections (Korea, Japan and other countries) have been divided. However, 2 sections will be assigned for this year, which is Korea and Overseas Cloud. Overseas members seating plan will try to be arranged per country as basis.

The seat will be allocated via lottery method at fan meeting venue, in order to avoid mistakes, this issue still under discussion.

Thank you.


[2009 Gloabl Fan Meeting in Korea]

Date: July, 26, 2009 (07/26/09)
Place: KyungHee University, 평화의 전당 (PyungHwaUi JungDang -The Hall of Peace)
Time: 3:00pm
Seats: approx. 4000 seats

Fan Meeting Application Instruction for Oversea Clouds

The oversea Cloud registration will be starting from July, 10 2009.

Oversea fans can apply for the fan meeting when you register for the Cloud membership by indicating the fan meeting participation segment when you register for the Cloud membership.

And the seat will be allocated via lottery method at the fan meeting venue and the detailed instruction regarding this will be noticed later date.

* We will continue to accept the registration for the Cloud membership even after the fan meeting therefore you do not have to worry about the short registration period.

But if you are planning to attend 7/26 fan meeting in Korea, you need to register the Cloud membership before the fan meeting.


Endless Effort; Endless Endurance; Endless Humility!


